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Usage-Based Insurance (UBI) with SmartBee GPS Server


Usage Based Insurance is a kind of vehicle insurance in which the costs depend on the type of vehicle used, and its calculation is based on factors such as distance, time, place and behavior. Smart Bee GPS Server makes this all possible, and simple. You achieve benefits across social and environmental areas such as more accountable and less unnecessary driving, viable gains to the insurance company from better positioning of insurance with actual risk, better customer segmentation and more. This results in increased customer fulfillment and saves time and money on both sides.

Features of Usage Based Insurance

Here are features that insurance companies could benefit from in their efforts to attain better alignment of insurance with actual risk.


Generate Reports for ECO Driving – Obtain driver rating derived from speed, breaking, security belt safety, and unsafe acceleration.

Receive Alerts for Speeding – Open Street Map (OSM) sends speed limits alerts in relation to real speed limits.

Know Vehicle Maintenance Intervals – Get up to date information about when to perform service of each vehicle in your fleet. Hence your fleet gets an added lifetime extension due to improved control of service intervals.

Real Time Tracking & Positioning – Empower yourself with on-the-map real time vehicle and asset tracking. Remaining updated with the most current information on vehicle locations and status gives you control like never before.

Trigger SOS Alarms – The driver can generate SOS alarms from his device which are displayed in the user interface in real time

GeoFences – You can setup a perimeter in any area in the map according to your specific needs. Polygonal and circle areas are supported, as well as keeping them tagged and organized into categories. You can decide if these Geofences will be visible in the map and use colors to differentiate each of them. To ensure that a vehicle doesn’t leave a predetermined route the system can make use of Route Geofences.

Notifications via Email/SMS – All mentioned features can be setup to be displayed in a web interface or sent by SMS or Email to a user or a group of user.

Monitoring Temperature – In case of insurance for cargo we have perfect solution for monitoring transport with multiple temperatures.

Display Country-Specific Driven Distance – Where your fleet travels through borders between countries, application of right TAX policies is crucial for your company, for instance you can take advantage of Middle East report to calculate and derive distances driven in each country.

Crash Data – ATrack devices can detect and display acceleration data associated to a crash event, on a graph. You can retrieve crash related data when such a situation arises.

Script Based Extensive Business Logic – Script Expressions allow integrated and intuitive writing of complex expressions.